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Certainly! Here's a breakdown of what each section of the Child's Astrology Report could include:

  1. Name Suggestions:

    • Meaningful name suggestions based on astrological considerations.

    • Guidance on auspicious starting letters for the name.

  2. Lucky Number and Color:

    • Identification of a lucky number that resonates with your child's cosmic energies.

    • Suggestion of a favorable color to enhance positive vibrations.

  3. Nature, Personality, and Hidden Talents:

    • Detailed analysis of your child's nature and personality traits.

    • Insights into their hidden talents and potential strengths.

  4. Home and Childhood:

    • Astrological perspective on the child's early years and family life.

    • Guidance on creating a harmonious and supportive home environment.

  5. Career & Finances through Bhrigu Point:

    • Examination of the Bhrigu Point for insights into potential career paths.

    • Financial considerations and guidance based on astrological influences.

  6. Prana Pada - Activities for Happiness:

    • Exploration of the Prana Pada to identify activities that bring joy to the child.

    • Suggestions for hobbies and pursuits that align with their happiness.

  7. Marriage Life:

    • Astrological insights into your child's approach to relationships and marriage.

    • Considerations for creating a fulfilling and harmonious marital life.

  8. Friend Circle and Fulfillment of Desires:

    • Analysis of astrological factors influencing friendships and social connections.

    • Insights into how desires may manifest based on cosmic energies.

  9. Settlement:

    • Considerations for future settlement and stability.

    • Guidance on potential locations that align with astrological influences.

  10. Do's and Don'ts:

    • Practical dos and don'ts based on astrological insights.

    • Tips for fostering positive growth and minimizing challenges.

This comprehensive report provides a holistic view of your child's astrological profile, offering valuable guidance for their development and fulfillment in various aspects of life.


NOTE: this will be a customised report handwritten by our astrologer and not a software generated report. You can take this report for your children of any age starting from newborn.



Days of delivery: between 15-25 working days over your email.



Astrologer की मन की बात

"Being a mother myself i understand how important it is to understand my child's abilities and requirements in life. Astrology makes me understand her on deeper levels and prepares me to help her achieve the milestones. Dear parents, I assure you that i shall, to the best of my ability, predict all the necessary information through astrology for your child's bright future and present. I am here to help you in any way possible to understand you child's abilities and future."

Price:  For INR make UPI transfer ---> 9500 INR LIMITED TIME OFFER - 8550 INR

[UPI: anmollastrologye@sbi ]


For international cards use paypal ---> 160 USD


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